This collection started with the sole purpose of giving a tour of the city I grew up in, to the person who in an incredible act of kindness, gifted me the camera I took these pictures with. But as I looked at the images it transformed into an exploration of the process of grief, the nostalgia, and longing one experiences when they visit places they used to visit with loved ones who we’ve lost along the way, and the culture I’ve grown up with.

My dad bought me a pack of three rolls of Ilford HP5 Plus before he passed and this was the last roll I had left. And when I got the camera it suddenly felt meant to be so I made the choice that I was gonna use my last roll left, to use the camera for the first time and these are the pictures that I got.

to my dear, late dad and the one of a kind, Charlie McDowell. 

This is your letter, Charlie.



Life in film stills